Monday, 25 March 2013

Keyboard fault


This is a Zoostorm computers and this computer wornt reconise the keyboard because the USB port was unplugged so to solve this problem you need to plug the usb port in one USB port slot in the back of the computer then if this dosent work then change keyboards then restart the computer then the problem is solved. another soultion is you could look on manfacturers website to see if this problem is valid problem. cant find this website because it is a generic keyboard. so only to look at general USB ports like port damage or eletric wires hanging out.


I have created a system log sheet to record all the faults i come across naturally throughout this unit.These faults i find will be varies different problems which i will  record in my log sheet. i have to have minimme 20 faults.

CPU Fault

Computer Faults

What Was The Fault?

 I found out that the fault was the central processing unit (CPU). I found this fault out when i was stripping the computer to pieces. 

I put all the components back into the computer and wired everything back up. Then after i did this i noticed it wouldn't  turn back on, however there was no processing power because of the CPU. It has lots of little's wires which go into motherboard. Two of these wires under the CPU were bent. this did not allow the computer to turn on

Remedy to solve this fault you could be try repair the wires by straightening them out but now a days you cannot do that so. i would recommend you replace it buying second hand CPU. when you order a second CPU make sure it is the right one for the your make and model of your computer.